Any icon in the Relation window can be duplicated.
First select the icon. Then select “Duplicate” from the Icons menu.
Remember—Data are never duplicated when an icon is duplicated in the Relation window. Only the icon (and any constructions within the icon) is duplicated.
Copying just the data can be accomplished with the “Dump” command (and hard-copies with the Print commands).
The Save As ... command will make a copy of the entire Collection, plus any additional work since the last Save. The Collection icon may also be duplicated on the Macintosh desktop (quit Helix, then select and duplicate the Collection).
• How can I duplicate a Collection without copying the data?
To clean out a Collection, you must work from inside it. You can duplicate a Relation, and get a copy of the structure of the Relation without any of its data. This lets you set up similar Relations quickly, without having to rebuild Templates, calculations, etc. It is also a way to “clean out” a Relation or unwanted data without sacrificing its structure (after duplicating, the original Relation — with its data — can be discarded). You also have the option of using the Delete All command. A list with no query restrictions will allow this command to delete all date from a Relation. Subforms offer the prospect of deleting data from several Relations at once.
You can duplicate a Template, and make simple changes that produce a completely different form. This is also a good way to experiment with a Template while retaining a copy for safekeeping.
You can duplicate formatted Field icons. This way, if you know that you are going to use eight fields formatted with a dollar sign, two decimal places, and commas, you can set up the type and format for one Field icon and then duplicate it. Next, duplicate the resulting two icons to get four, then duplicate these four to get eight — then just rename the copied icons.
You can duplicate Abacus icons. This lets you make a copy of a complicated calculation, change or add a new tile, and have a completely new calculation with little effort.
If you duplicate an Index icon, you will get a copy of the structure only. This “structure” is merely whatever icons were inserted into the holes, plus the position of the ordering arrows. This Index is not usable until it is opened and closed, or the Collection is closed and opened (when a Collection is opened, all invalid Indexes are automatically built, an operation that can be aborted with command/period).